Have questions about AMEX Account Protector Ultimate? We have answers!
  • What is AMEX Account Protector Ultimate?
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  • AMEX Account Protector Ultimate is an optional Credit Insurance product offered to American Express Cardmembers. Benefits can include coverage for the following:
    • Life
    • Dismemberment
    • Critical Illness
    • Involuntary Unemployment/Loss of Self-Employment Income
    • Total Disability with Positive Life Events
    • Disability Requiring Hospitalization
    • Accidental Death at Age 80 or Over

  • Who is the underwriter for this insurance?
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  • American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida (ABIC) and American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida (ABLAC) are the underwriters of this coverage. ABIC, ABLAC, and their subsidiaries and affiliates carry on business in Canada under the name of Assurant.
  • How do I enroll?
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  • Enrolling online is easy! Visit the enrollment section of our website to review the product details, including the Certificate of Insurance. Then complete the online application.
  • I am enrolled in this program – is my spouse covered too?
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  • As the Insured Cardmember who has enrolled in this coverage, your Spouse is also covered for the following benefits:
    • Life
    • Total Disability
    • Critical Illness
    • Accidental Death
    • Dismemberment
    Certain limitations and exclusions apply. Refer to the Certificate of Insurance for eligibility details.
  • How do I know if I am eligible for AMEX Account Protector Ultimate?
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  • To be eligible, you must be the primary Cardmember of an American Express Credit Card with an account in good standing. You must also be a resident of Canada and at least 18 years old and less than 70 years old at time of enrollment.
  • Are there any health questions or a medical exam required to enroll?
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  • There are no health questions or medical exams required to determine eligibility. However, critical illness benefits may be limited if a pre-existing condition exists. See the Certificate of Insurance for full terms, limitations and exclusions.
  • How much does this insurance cost?
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  • Visit the cost of coverage section to learn more.
  • How do I pay for my AMEX Account Protector Ultimate coverage?
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  • The premium, plus applicable taxes, is charged to your American Express Credit Card Account on a monthly basis when your account’s outstanding balance is greater than zero.
  • What if I miss a bill payment? Am I still covered under this insurance?
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  • You are eligible for coverage as long as your American Express Credit Card Account is in good standing (as defined in your Cardmember’s agreement).
  • When does coverage begin?
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  • Coverage begins on the Effective Date stated in the Welcome Letter you receive with your Certificate of Insurance upon enrolling in the product.
  • I enrolled in AMEX Account Protector Ultimate online and was approved. What happens next?
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  • A welcome package containing your Certificate of Insurance will be mailed to the address we have on file for you. We’ll also send you an email confirmation to the email address we have on file.
  • Your application may have been denied because you did not meet our eligibility requirements or you have coverage.
  • What changes happen with my coverage once I reach age 70?
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  • Your coverage for Life and Dismemberment continues through to age 80; however, coverage for Critical Illness, Involuntary Unemployment/Loss of Self-Employment, Disability requiring Hospitalization and Total Disability, along with coverage for Positive Life Events, will terminate. At the age of 70 years the cost of this insurance program reduces from $0.99 to $0.69 per $100 of your current month’s outstanding balance (up to $20,000).
  • What changes happen with my coverage once I reach age 80?
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  • At age 80, your Life coverage will be limited to Accidental Death but your Dismemberment coverage will continue. All other coverages terminate at age 70.
  • If I submit a claim and receive a benefit, does my coverage terminate?
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  • Coverage does not cease if you receive a benefit for Involuntary Unemployment/Loss of Self-Employment Income, Disability Requiring Hospitalization, Total Disability, or Positive Life Events. If you receive a benefit for Critical Illness, Life, Accidental Death or Dismemberment, your coverage will be terminated.
  • Can I cancel my coverage at any time?
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  • Yes, you may cancel your coverage at any time. To do so, you may contact Assurant by phone at 1-800-708-0807. Cancellation takes effect on the next statement date following receipt of the request by Assurant.
  • If I am enrolled in this coverage, when does this insurance end? Can American Express or Assurant cancel this coverage?
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  • Your insurance coverage will end as follows (whichever occurs first):
    1. One or more of the Group Master Policies are terminated;
    2. The next Statement Date after we receive your request to end this insurance coverage;
    3. The date your credit privileges on your Account are revoked;
    4. The date your American Express Card Account is terminated;
    5. The date of the Group Member’s death;
    6. On the next Account Statement Date after your 70th birthday for Involuntary Unemployment, Disability Requiring Hospitalization, Total Disability with Positive Life Events, Loss of Self-Employment Income and Critical Illness coverage;
    7. On the next Account Statement Date after your 80th birthday for Life coverage, while Dismemberment coverage continues and Accidental Death coverage begins (Accidental Death coverage begins for you on the next Account Statement Date after your 80th birthday);
    8. The date on which a Life, Dismemberment, Accidental Death or Critical Illness benefit is paid; or
    9. If you change credit card products with American Express and all 15 digits of Your American Express credit card changes.

  • What coverage is available to me for Total Disability?
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  • If you or your Spouse become Totally Disabled and are unable to work due to illness or accident, and are under a doctor’s care for at least 30 consecutive days, you may qualify for a Total Disability benefit. This benefit can make monthly payments, which are equivalent to the sum of: (a) the greater of $10 or 5% of the amount owing on your Account as of the Date of Loss, not including any amount owing from your participation in the Installment Program, up to a maximum of $1,000; and (b) Your monthly installment payment obligation from your participation in the Installment Program as of the Date of Loss. These payments can continue until you are no longer Totally Disabled or for up to 90 days. If you remain totally Disabled for a continuous period of 90 consecutive days, Assurant may pay the total amount owing on your Account as of the first day of Total Disability, less any benefits already paid for this episode of Total Disability, to a maximum of $20,000. Please refer to your Certificate of Insurance for full limitations and exclusions.
  • Am I covered for Total Disability if I am working part-time?
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  • To be eligible to receive Total Disability benefits, the Insured person who is submitting a claim for this coverage must perform regular duties of occupation for salary or wages for a minimum of 25 hours per week.
  • What if I am self-employed?
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  • You or your Spouse can claim for benefits resulting from Total Disability if either of you are Self-Employed and become Totally Disabled. Additional forms, including a Self-Employment Affidavit, will be required to submit your claim.
  • I am the Insured Cardmember enrolled in AMEX Account Protector Ultimate and my Spouse has recently become Totally Disabled. What coverage is available to me?
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  • Your Spouse can be eligible for coverage under this benefit, so your Spouse can be eligible to file a claim under your Total Disability benefits. Please refer to your Certificate of Insurance for full limitations and exclusions.
  • What is proof of Continuing Total Disability?
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  • Upon our request, you will be required to provide proof of Total Disability each month to continue receiving benefits under this coverage. Assurant will supply you with the appropriate forms or request that you provide additional information to ensure that you do not experience interruption in benefits.
  • What is re-eligibility?
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  • If you or your Spouse has received the maximum benefits for Total Disability, you may be eligible to submit a claim for benefits if you have returned to work on a full-time basis or a minimum of 25 hours per week for a period of at least 30 consecutive days prior to submitting another claim.
  • What do Involuntary Unemployment benefits cover?
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  • If you have become Involuntarily Unemployed, you may be eligible to receive benefits under this coverage. At the date of loss, you must have been employed at least 25 hours per week with a single employer for at least three consecutive months. You must remain Involuntarily Unemployed for at least 30 consecutive days before any benefits are paid. This benefit can make monthly payments, which are equivalent to the sum of: (a) the greater of $10 or 5% of the amount owing on your Account as of the Date of Loss, not including any amount owing from your participation in the Installment Program, up to a maximum of $1,000; and (b) Your monthly installment payment obligation from your participation in the Installment Program as of the Date of Loss. These payments can continue until you return to work or for up to 90 days. If you remain Involuntarily Unemployed for 90 consecutive days, Assurant can pay the total amount owing on your Account as of the date of loss, less any benefits already paid for this episode of Involuntary Unemployment, to a maximum of $20,000. Please refer to your Certificate of Insurance for full limitations and exclusions.
  • Do I need to be employed full-time to qualify for Involuntary Unemployment benefits?
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  • At the time of job loss, you must have been working for salary or wages for a minimum of 25 hours per week for at least three consecutive months for the same employer.
  • What coverage is available to me if I am self-employed?
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  • If you are self-employed then you are ineligible to claim benefits for Involuntary Unemployment, however you may be eligible to claim Loss of Self-Employment Income benefits. For FAQs concerning Loss of Self-Employment Income, see the section below.
  • If my work is seasonal am I eligible for Involuntary Unemployment benefits?
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  • Unfortunately, seasonal employment is not eligible to claim under this coverage.
  • I submitted an Involuntary Unemployment claim and have been approved, but I have recently returned to work. How should I notify Assurant?
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  • You should contact Assurant at 1-800-708-0807 or indicate this on your next continuing claim form.
  • I have been approved for an Involuntary Unemployment claim. Will my payments be made automatically every month until I notify Assurant?
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  • You are required to submit a continuing claim form monthly in order for your payments to be made.
  • What do Disability Requiring Hospitalization benefits cover?
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  • Disability Requiring Hospitalization can cover accidental bodily injury or sickness, confinement in a legally constituted accredited hospital which provides 24 hour nursing care by registered nurses, organized facilities for diagnosis and major surgical procedures, operates primarily for the care and treatment of sick and injured persons, maintains x-ray equipment and operating room facilities and is under the medical supervision of a licensed physician.
  • How long do I need to stay in the hospital before I receive a benefit payment?
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  • Benefits will be payable to the Creditor and will be made after the 24 hour Waiting Period.
  • Am I covered all around the world?
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  • Coverage is provided only for Hospitalization within Canada and the United States.
  • Is my spouse covered for this benefit?
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  • Only the Insured Cardmember is covered for this benefit.
  • What benefits are available for Loss of Self-Employment Income?
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  • If you become Unemployed due to the closure of your business for financial reasons, you may be eligible for benefits. If you remain Unemployed for a continuous period of 90 consecutive days and are eligible for Loss of Self-Employment Income Benefits, Assurant can pay the total amount owing on your Account as of the first day of Unemployment to a maximum of $20,000. Please refer to your Certificate of Insurance for full limitations and exclusions.
  • If I am the Insured Cardmember enrolled in AMEX Account Protector Ultimate, and my Spouse has a Loss of Self-Employment Income, are we covered?
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  • Unfortunately, the Loss of Self-Employment benefit is only available to the Insured Cardmember, so in this case your Spouse’s Loss of Self-Employment income would not be a valid claim.
  • What is my coverage for Life Insurance benefits with AMEX Account Protector Ultimate?
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  • Life Coverage proceeds can be paid to the Creditor upon receiving proof of your or your Spouse’s death. The proceeds are the total amount owing on Your Account as of the date of death, subject to the maximum amount of $20,000. Payment of a Life benefit ends all coverages under your Certificate of Insurance. Please refer to your Certificate of Insurance for full limitations and exclusions.
  • What can Critical Illness benefits cover with AMEX Account Protector Ultimate?
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  • You can be paid Critical Illness proceeds if you or your Spouse are diagnosed with a heart attack, stroke, cancer or coronary artery disease (refers only to bypass surgery), and survive for a period of more than 30 days after diagnosis. No benefits will be paid if the Critical Illness diagnosis is the result of a Pre-Existing Condition. The proceeds are the total amount owing on your Account as of the date of diagnosis, subject to the Maximum Amount of Insurance indicated in the Certificate of Insurance. Payment of a Critical Illness benefit ends all coverages under your Certificate of Insurance.
  • What type of coverage is provided for Accidental Death?
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  • Accidental Death benefits are paid if you or your Spouse are 80 years of age or over and die through accidental means sustained directly and independently of all other causes occurring within 100 days of the accident causing such death.

    The proceeds are the total amount owing on your Account as of the date of the accident, subject to the maximum amount of $20,000. Payment of an Accidental Death benefit ends all coverages under your Certificate of Insurance.
  • What type of coverage is provided for Dismemberment?
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  • Dismemberment benefits are paid if you or your Spouse suffers a total and irrecoverable loss of sight in both eyes, or a hand or foot by complete severance through or above the wrist or ankle joint occurring within 100 days of the accident causing such Dismemberment.

    The proceeds are the total amount owing on your Account as of the date of the accident, subject to the maximum amount of $20,000. Payment of a Dismemberment benefit ends all coverages under your Certificate of Insurance.
  • Which Positive Life Events can be covered under this policy?
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  • The following Positive Life Events can be covered under your AMEX Account Protector Ultimate policy:
    • Your retirement from your principal occupation (lifetime limit of one payment)
    • Your purchase of a home for use as a principal residence
    • Your child enters a post-secondary accredited college or university for the first time
    • Your marriage
    • Your child’s marriage
    • Your child’s birth or the adoption of a child

  • What benefit can be available to me if I file a claim for a Positive Life Event?
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  • If you experience one of the eligible Positive Life Events, you can qualify for two monthly payments, each payment equal to the sum of: (a) the greater of $10 or 5% of the amount owing on your Account as of the Date of Positive Life Event, not including any amount owing from your participation in the Installment Program, up to a maximum of $1,000; and (b) your monthly installment payment obligation from your participation in the Installment Program as of the date of the Positive Life. Proof of the event must be submitted to Assurant along with a completed claim form.
  • What if I have multiple Positive Life Events that I would like to claim?
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  • This coverage does not terminate after receiving payment for a claim on a Positive Life Event. However, there is a limit of two Positive Life Event claims per 12 month period.
  • How do I file a claim?
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  • Please visit the Assurant claims portal to file a claim.
  • How can I check the status of a claim?
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  • Please visit the Assurant claims portal to check the status of a claim
  • If I have a question or concern about my claim or the insurance coverage who should I contact?
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  • You can check the status of a claim by visiting the Assurant claims portal. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact Assurant.
